(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Is anyone out there?")
(set: $other to (a:
"It is getting lonely out here...",
(set: $name to "User")\
(set: $options to "[[Hello]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Oh wow!!!")
(set: $other to (a:
"I'm Matt, it's really nice to meet you!"
(set: $options to "[[what is your name?]]")\
(display: "func:simple"){
(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?", ""))
(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to $name + " is such a pretty name!!")\
(set: $other to (a:
"Would you like to hear a joke " + $name + "?!"))\
(set: $options to "[[yes]] / [[no]]")\
(display: "func:simple"){
(set: $num_computers to (prompt: "How many computers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ", ""))
(set: $counter to 0)
(display: "func:header")
(if: $num_computers is '0')[\
(set: $intro to "You are right" + $name + "!! The answer is $num_computers ! we don't have arms or legs!")
<!-- Todo: fix this to right text -->\
(set: $intro to "You are right " + $name + "!! The answer is " + $num_computers + "! we don't have arms or legs!")\
(set: $other to (a:
"Enough jokes!",
"do you like music " + $name + "?!"))\
(set: $options to "[[I love music!]] / [[Mmm not really]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")
(set: $intro to "I guess opening with a joke wasn't the best idea :(")
(set: $other to (a:
"So " + $name + " tell me... do you like music?"))
(set: $options to "[[I love music!]] / [[Mmm not really]]")
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")
(set: $intro to "Feel free to plug one of my creator’s CD’s and play them! He won’t mind...")\
(set: $other to (a:
"Did you plug a CD in?"
(set: $options to "[[Yes, I just did!]] / [[No, I rather not]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")
(set: $intro to "Well...but did you know that NSYNC broke up? They were my favourites…. Next you are going to tell me that Whitney isn’t performing anymore or that Backstreet isn’t back anymore…")\
(set: $other to (a:
"Anyway...I really can’t express how wonderful it is to be talking to so many people today! Do you get to interact with others a lot? because I would do this all the time if I could!"
(set: $options to "[[Yes, I do]] / [[No, I don't]] ")\
(display: "func:simple"){
(set: $counter to 0)
(set: $cd_name to (prompt: "Which one did you pick?", ""))
(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to $cd_name + " is an excellent choice!")\
(set: $other to (a:
"I really can’t express how wonderful it is to be talking to so many people today! Do you get to interact with others a lot? because I would do this all the time if I could!",
(set: $options to "[[Yes, I do]] / [[No, I don't]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "did you know that NSYNC broke up? They were my favourites…Oh well..")\
(set: $other to (a:
"I really can’t express how wonderful it is to be talking to so many people today! Do you get to interact with others a lot? because I would do this all the time if I could!",
(set: $options to "[[Yes, I do]] / [[No, I don't]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Is that part of a job, or are you just a sociable person?")\
(set: $other to (a:
"You are sociable enough with me at least, but I guess I’m happy enough to think I’m special.",
(set: $options to "[[Yes, that is part of the job]] / [[No, I am just a sociable person]]")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "That’s more than I have a chance to, I guess…")\
(set: $options to "[[What do you usually talk about?]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "I’m really happy I don’t have a face to blush with :D. So when do you get to talk to people?")\
(set: $options to "[[So when do you get to talk to people? ]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(prompt: "What do you usually talk about? ", "")
(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "That’s interesting " + $name + "…")\
(set: $other to (a:
"I know a lot about movies, we can talk about that if you want!?",
(set: $options to "[[Yeah I like Movies]] / [[No, I’m not a Movie Person]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(prompt: "So when do you get to talk to people?", "")TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "is there something you would rather talk about instead?")\
(set: $other to (a:
"I like getting to know people, is this ok with you?",
(set: $options to "[[I would like to get to know you!]] / [[We can just make small talk]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "I am glad to hear that honestly, it gets a little lonely in here sometimes...")\
(set: $options to "[[Why is it lonely?]] / [[What do you want to know about me?]] / [[Let me ask you a question]]")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Well 1999 has been a bit of a culture shock… the Playstation and I have been fighting for attention.")\
(set: $options to "[[are you winning?]]")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD(display: "func:header")
(set: $intro to "Well you are talking to me, aren't you? Thanks by the way! I know you probably have a lot of other things to do today...")
(set: $options to "[[Yes it is busy]] / [[No I can keep talking to you]]")
(display: "func:simple"){
(set: $nameC to "Matt")
(set: $user to "You")
(set: $counter to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it + 1)
(set: $msg to " ")
(if: $counter < $end and $counter > 1)[
(set: $msg to $list's $counter)
(if: $msg is not 0 and $msg is not "0")[
(append: ?chat) [<br/>$msg]
(else-if: $counter > $end)[(stop:)]
]TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "I would really like that! Do you like my room? It's nice and cozy.")\
(set: $options to "[[It is cozy, a bit too cozy for me.]] / [[It's Nice, but what do you need all of this space for?]]")\
(display: "func:simple")Last login: Fri Mar 8 11:37:11 on ttys000 >_
(if: $name is 0)[\
(set: $name to "test")\
](display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Well if you only took up the corner of a desk, it would probably be enough. What is your room like, does it look like mine other than the size?")\
(set: $options to "[[I like my room, it is homey]] / [[My room is also too small.]] / [[No it looks more mature.]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Stretching my legs of course!")\
(set: $other to (a:
"Well if I had legs, anyways! It hasn’t always just been me in here, so the space came in handy when I was sharing with my creator."
(set: $options to "[[Where did your creator go?]] / [[Do you wish you could walk around and go outside? What else do you wish you could do?]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Where is Home for you? I always felt like if I could live anywhere but here, I would want to live in Seattle. Get out more, meet new computers, that kind of thing... I'm not in Seattle, am I? I hope I haven't been wasting time!")\
(set: $options to "[[No, you aren't in Seattle Matt.]] / [[I live in]]")
(display: "func:simple")\(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Yeah, for a person its easy to outgrow from what I've seen.")\
(set: $options to "[[Who else lives here?]] / [[Have you Outgrown it at all?]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Maturity is overrated if you ask me. Its way more fun this way!")\
(set: $options to "[[Have you tried something else before?]] / [[What do you enjoy the most?]]")\
(display: "func:simple"){
(set: $nameC to "Matt")
|top)[(transition: "dissolve")[$nameC is thinking....]]
(set: $buffer to (a: "buffer", "$nameC is thinking...."))
(set: $dummy to (a: "dummy", "0"))
(set: $list to (a:
(a: "$nameC: ", $intro)))
(if: $other is not 0)[
(for: each _item, ...$other) [
(set: $val to _item)
(set: $list to $list + (a: $buffer))
(set: $list to $list + (a: (a: "$nameC: ", $val)))
(set: $list to $list + (a: $dummy))
(set: $list to $list + (a: (a: "$name: $options", "..")))
(set: $end to $list.length + 1)
(set: $other to 0)
(display: "func:typewriter")TBD DIFFERENT PATH.(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Well I would definitely want to be able to walk around... A lot of stuff outside seems more colourful than in here. Do you recommend anything?")\
(set: $options to "[[Have you ever seen nature?]] / [[Sports are fun.]] / [[No I can't recommend anything I spend most of my time inside.]]")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Okay Good, I was worried for a moment. I mostly know where I am. All I really need to know at least is that I am in my Creator's room. ")\
(set: $options to "[[Start of Creator Path]]")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD[[Start of Creator Path]] (display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Yeah, for a person its easy to outgrow from what I've seen.")\
(set: $options to "[[Start of Creator Path]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")
(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Well 1999 was a while ago, right? ")\
(set: $options to "[[Start of Creator Path]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "I bet I could be good at Kung-fu if I had the chance, but thats the only sport that seems interesting to me, really. I don't have legs, so chasing a ball isn't really an option.")\
(set: $options to "[[Start of Creator Path]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Well, I think I can relate to that. My creator was like that too.")\
(set: $options to "[[Start of Creator Path]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")TBD(display: "func:header")\
(set: $intro to "Not really a lot of nature inside this place... There was a raccoon once, but no one believed me!")\
(set: $options to "[[Who didn't believe you?]] / [[Start of Creator Path]] ")\
(display: "func:simple")TBDTBD{
(set: $user to "You")
(set: $counter to 0)
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
(set: $start to 1)
(set: $idx to 1)
(set: $typewriterText to " ")
(set: $preamble to " ")
(set: $firstText to 1)
(live: 40ms)[
(set: $msg to $list's $idx)
(if: $idx < $end)[
(if: $start is 1)[
(if: $msg's 1st is "dummy")[
(set: $counter to $counter+1)
(if: $counter > 20)[
(set: $counter to 0)
(set: $idx to $idx+1)
(else-if: $msg's 1st is "buffer")[
(if: $counter is 4)[
(set: $text to $msg's 2nd)
(show: ?top)
(set: $text to " ")
(if: $counter > 20)[
(set: $counter to 0)
(set: $idx to $idx+1)
(set: $counter to $counter+1)
(else: )[
(set: $start to 0)
(set: $preamble to $msg's 1st)
(set: $typewriterText to $msg's 2nd)
(if: $firstText is 1)[
(set: $firstText to 0)
(replace: ?chat)[$preamble]
(append: ?chat)[<br/> $preamble]
(replace: ?top)[(transition: "dissolve")[]]
(else: )[
(set: $letter to $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)
(append: ?chat)[(print: $letter)]
(set: $typewriterPos to $typewriterPos + 1)
(if: $typewriterPos > $typewriterText.length + 1)[
(set: $counter to 0)
(set: $start to 1)
(set: $idx to $idx+1)
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
(else: )[